Order ID #0

Thank you for taking a Quantum Leap John!

We are pleased to confirm your order no. 0 and an email has been sent on [email protected]

Welcome to the Dreamporting AVATAR Retreat!

We are honored that you have said yes to this quest. The transformational potential of this event cannot be given justice with words and preparation is key.

Please fill out this retreat preparation form. This will allow us to get to know you further,  meet your comfort and dietary needs. 


In our experience, there are a few questions that tend to arise before retreat week. We hope that this information is able to support you. Please be sure to reach out to [email protected] if any more questions come into your awareness. 

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Cleansing or detoxing before the retreat is a great idea. Starting to purify yourself and journal, meditate, and get clear on what you truly desire and let go of negative things in your life will help give you the best experience and results at the retreat. 


To be comfortable sitting up in a meditative posture during the retreat, we recommend a daily stretching or light yoga practice in the days leading up to the event.

Phones will not be allowed in the house during the event and we highly recommend using this time to do a digital detox. You may keep your phone in our EMF-shielded box in front of the house or in a vehicle. You may wish to set up an auto responder for your email or other communications starting Friday morning through Monday morning to allow yourself to receive maximum benefit by not interrupting the flow of your experiences. If you can’t seem to create space from your phone for this transformative event… you may use your phone outside the house on a walk during breaks. 

Here are some items that can be helpful to bring:

  • Boots if you want to go off trails and hike nature.
  • If you are local, any extra squish, crystals and beautiful items are more than welcome and appreciated to bring to the space. 
  • Blankets to be used on the grass would be ideal to bring if you can!


Required Things to Bring:

  • Journal and pen
  • Water bottle
  • Several changes of clothes (Weather looks to be prime and sunny during retreat mid 70s to low 80s during the day, 50s at night) 
  • One or more ceremony outfits, that are flexible and that embody your higher self. White, cream, and gold colors are always welcome, but any colors that make you feel your best self are great.
  • An Outfit/ Costume for Rebirth Ceremony
  • A Towel
  • Swimsuit
  • Blankets to sit on if possible (If local and can bring extra that would be great)

Please ensure you have the Telegram app downloaded as you will be invited into a Telegram group chat for all retreat communications and support. We will share the Group Link within the week of the retreat. 

For those of you traveling by plane, the Austin Airport is 20 miles and about a 30-minute drive to the venue. 


Your destination address is: 10601 Derecho Dr, Austin Tx 78737

Here are specific driving directions:


When you arrive at the end of Derecho Drive you will see to the left a Pecan Springs sign (This is NOT the location) You will continue forward past the Gate and sign with the Griffin. There will be 2 wooden signs with alchemical symbols. You may park at the first one before the stream if you cannot cross with your vehicle. Please DO NOT park right by the stream. Please park completely off the road in parallel fashion. Feel free to call Jackie on Telegram for a shuttle of self and belongings across the stream if need be. If you can cross the stream in your vehicle there is a second sign for parking before you reach the house. Please park in that field AFTER you have dropped your stuff off at the house. We are keeping the circle area around the house clear of any vehicles. 

Retreat check-in starts at 9 am on Friday, September 16th  and the retreat will begin at 10 am. 

If you are traveling or staying on site you may arrive from 8 pm on Thursday

to unpack and get some rest. Please note that we will not have food or activities Thursday so please ensure you have dinner before arriving or bring food and drinks. For those staying on site, check-out is no later than 10:00 am on Tuesday. We appreciate your effort to keep the space high vibe for the duration of the retreat.


It’s crucial that you attend the different workshops ON TIME to be able to advance and be prepared for the next workshops each day. If you have an issue with this please discuss this with us before the event. 


Please leave your shoes at the front door. 

Get ready for an epic weekend!

Your Items will be stored in the large closet and laundry room at the back of the house. The garage is for staff. Signs will help direct you. Daniel’s bathroom will be open for showers during breakfast and dinner breaks with signs to remind, and closed at all other times.



In this retreat we will be diving deep and working with our Divine Intelligence. If you haven’t experienced our Guardian Angel Initiation series, about 2 hours in length, we highly recommend it prior to the retreat or at least the first 40 minute class. https://members.dreamporting.com/offers/zzNQN4Jx

Feel free to email us with any questions: [email protected]


We look forward to offering you a magical space to liberate yourself and align with your dreams. Thank you for taking the time to truly prepare and commit to these guidelines to ensure you receive the greatest results. 


With love,

Daniel Raphael, Alana Aviel and The Dreamporting Family

Dreamporting © 2022. All rights reserved.