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Ancient Liberation Journey

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Ancient Liberation Journey

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The Timeline Shift

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Testimonial Videos


Yes! for registered students, there will be a 7-day limited-time replay so you can review the training and practice what you’ve learned!

The event will be 90 minutes long with a little overtime on both days.

Yes! You will receive a transformational energy recoding as part of a group on both days of the virtual event.

Virtually everyone will notice a significant shift in how they feel, however occasionally this happens sometimes after the session or in rare instances not at all. The degree in which you open and allow yourself to be present and surrender to the greater divine forces will allow you to go deeper and receive greater shifts.

Yes! It is a great gift to share transformative experiences with loved ones. 🙂

The Dreamporting system is special because it harnesses the universal laws to offer rapid and deeply transformative results that over 25,000 people have experienced. It is a brand new discovery yet it’s inspired from thousands of years of ancient wisdom that offers a solution to many of the blocks that years of traditional and alternative approaches have not significantly supported by allowing the perfect intelligence of Divine Consciousness to recode one’s subconscious and energetic field by a balance of surrendered meditation and decisive commitment which we guide you to align with during the meditations.


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